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How To Use SSH To Connect To A Remote Server In Linux

 Use SSH To Connect To A Remote Server In Linux 

Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol used for a secure connection between a client and a server.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to enable SSH on an Ubuntu Desktop machine. Enabling SSH will allow you to remotely connect to your Ubuntu machine and securely transfer files or perform administrative tasks.

Step 1:

Open your terminal by clicking on the terminal icon.

Step 2:

Install the ssh package on Ubuntu by typing: sudo apt install openssh-client

Step 3:

Enable ssh server on Ubuntu, run: sudo systemctl enable ssh

Step 4 :

By default, the firewall will block ssh access. Therefore, you must enable ufw and open ssh port type this command:

sudo ufw allow ssh

Step 5: 

The following are the commands for the management of ssh client

To start service run this command: sudo systemctl start ssh

To stop service run this  command:  sudo systemctl stop ssh

To Restart the service run this  command:  sudo systemctl restart ssh

To check service status run this  command:  sudo systemctl status ssh

To disable service  run this  command:  sudo systemctl disable ssh

To stop service  run this  command:  sudo systemctl stop ssh

Step 6: 

Congratulations, You learned how to install and enable ssh client and server on your Ubuntu Linux desktop and server.

How do I use ssh on Ubuntu?

Run the following command to connect with your server:

ssh user@server-ip or name

Ex: Say you want to login to a remote server named test04 having an IP address

ssh mike@ or test04 

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